... we are so excited to be back rehearsing on Friday evenings 19:30 - 21:30
Rehearsals take place on Friday evenings during term time from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. with a strong emphasis on fun! We meet at Queen Alexandra College for the Blind, 49 Court Oak Road, Harborne.
The Committee put a lot of time and effort into interpreting the Government guidelines to ensure that we act in a compliant and sensible manner to keep everyone safe when we restarted after COVID. A comprehensive risk assessment has been produced and the committee continue to monitor Government and local guidelines.
If you missed playing during the COVID pandemic and have not got back into it, we'd love to meet you. Please reach out via Facebook or the buttons below to get in touch.
Term Dates
2024 - Summer term:
12th April – 24th May
*** Half term - Friday 31st May
7th June – 12th July